November 3, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Storage Locks Specs

You want to protect those important items of yours that you’ve stored away. What use is leaving your belongings in storage if you can’t lock them up? Of course, one of your primary concerns is keeping your belongings safe. Short of extreme weather and divine intervention, there are some steps you can take to ensure the safety of your belongings. In the grand scheme of things, the type of storage lock may seem unimportant, especially on move-in day when you’re frazzled and juggling a million other tasks. It can be easy to be flippant about the decision about locking mechanisms for your storage unit. Read below for a general overview of locking mechanisms and their features.

What You Should Consider First:

Durability/Strength. A lock is no good if it isn’t very strong. Seems like a simple concept. And it is, but lower-quality manufacturers will claim their lock is the strongest and toughest. It’s up to you to wade through the different manufacturers, but this blog post should help you with that process. You want a durable lock that is weather-resistant and won’t rust or get damaged. Each type of lock is going to have different strengths and weaknesses and points at which the lock is most venerable. Price. Budget is key, and you don’t want to spend a ton of money on a lock when the more affordable alternative is just as effective, if not better. You want something that is proven to protect without blowing the budget out of the water. Sure, buying the most expensive lock on the market is apt to have some perks. However, the point of protection is moot if that lock isn’t the right one for you. Type. There are a lot of different types of locks, in various shapes and sizes. They are distinct not only in shape but also in material. They are also unique in their design, and much like strength, durability is dependent on what kind of lock it is. Different designs are liable to have different strong points and design flaws that have weak spots. What you need to determine is what sort of strong or weak points you can live with and what will work best for your situation.

The Best Types of Locks:

Padlocks – Padlocks are the most well-known type of lock there is. The demand for these locks put them on the lower end of the price range. Closed-shackle padlocks are most likely to be the most durable option. These are a bit different from standard padlocks. However, you should still go with the option of a key lock rather than a combination lock, as a key lock is more difficult to break into and naturally deters would-be thieves from completing the task.
Disc Locks – Disc locks are the most common type of lock used by storage facilities. These are similar to padlocks in build, however, their shape is curved rather than squared. The shackle is hidden in the “body” of the lock, making it more difficult to cut or pry open.
Cylinder Locks – These locks are the kind that are built into the door of the rental. It is also possible to install one yourself, should your rental lease specify it in your rental agreement. If not, talk to the staff at your local facility and see what sort of options are available to you. This is the type of lock you are adamant about. Facilities are flexible with their tenants’ needs and will work with you on the best solution. Your belongings are invaluable and protecting them is detrimental. Utilizing the proper lock for your self-storage unit will go a long way in providing the protection you desire. Not sure of the size rental you need for the lock you’ve decided on? ClickandStor® Online Rental Suite has all the resources you need to help you in your storage journey.